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Happy holidays!!!!!


34th street is attempting to do something as far as the holidays this year. Covid is affecting us all and 34th street is no exception.

Growing concern among the local residents and merchants about the amount of people coming into the neighborhood and

Worries about social distancing and what not. My suggestion to all is this:


Don’t come this year.


Take a year off, go to other places where people can stretch out and that way there will be no issues about social

Distancing and face masks being worn. That way the residents as well as the merchants will feel safe. Crazy world we

Are living in right now, and we deal with it one day at a time.


That’s all I have to report for now


After 40 years I will start to sell Christmas decorations that have adorned the house and street For many years – please check back in the next couple week to see what I have to sell

Any serious inquires please email me direct –

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